| The Secret Place – Part 3

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8 March 2020

The Secret Place – Part 3

Ps 91:1 – He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  NKJV

There has been this recurring thought that the Lord has brought to me several times over the past few weeks.  It has found its way into everything I have been teaching lately.  The thought is this,

“The principles of the Word work at the highest level of efficiency through close fellowship with the Lord.”

“There is no true victory without fellowship with the Lord.” 

In thinking about 2019 and all the good teaching and Word that we have heard and looking at 2020 and thinking about the prophetic words that have been spoken over the Body of Christ and over our church here, I realize that God’s intent in teaching and declaring is not to produce principled robots of obedience but rather those who through fellowship express His nature and desire in the world where He has stationed them.  God desires fellowship and that is why He has given a “Secret Place” to every person on the planet.

In this series, we are going to look at some ways to have and maintain close fellowship with the Lord.

Part 3 – In today’s message we wrap up discussing Psalms 91.  We see that from fellowship in the secret place with our Father God there comes faith and boldness that most even in the church would say is radical.  We are challenged to a higher level of faith and obedience in our declaration of God’s goodness and power.  David says, “I will say of the Lord” and we are called to speak as well. 

  • I will not be afraid of darkness, pestilence, and destruction. 
  • A 1,000 may fall at my side and 10,000 on my right but it shall not come near me.
  • I will see the wicked receive their harvest.
  • Angels have charge over me and mine in all our ways.  They always bear us up in their hands.
  • We tread on lions and snakes or demonic powers.
  • Because we love God, He will deliver us, set us on high, answers our prayers, be with us in trouble, delivers us and honors us and finally, God satisfies us with long life showing us His salvation.